This is the original Lion used as a cub
to animate Simba in Lion King. It was then sold to Tim Heier and J.D. Mitten.
This lion is known as a Barbary Lion. These lions have been extinct in the wild.
The last one was killed by a hunter in Morocco
in 1921. The Egyptians used these Barbary lions to pull
chariots. They were the Lion to use as a symbol in the Bible. The Roman royalty
raised these animals as a sign of wealth. They grew up to 17 ft long. Only a
handful were kept alive in captivity. They made wonderful pets. Also, in the
Egyptian King’s throne room, this intuitive lion was employed to discern crooks.
A few of them made it to the United States.
The majority of them now live in Kansas.
North of Salina, and at Prairie Cat
Animal Refuge of Western Kansas,
this lion lived out his last 7 years before having a stroke. He was a very
loving animal and many tears were shed when he died.
Audio file